
Rants on rants on rants: an eclectic range of NBA and other basketball topics

Archive for the category “Rants”

#Loyalty Hahaha

According to scientists, our world theoretically began with a giant explosion called the Big Bang. Likewise the 2010-2011 NBA season began with a big bang that ushered in a new era of NBA politics. With the now infamous “Decision,” Lebron James chose to take his talents to the sunny beaches of Miami, Florida to team up with Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade; forming the “Heatles”. Later in the same year, Carmelo Anthony bullied the Denver Nuggets’ front office into sending him to the New York Knicks to pair with Amare Stoudemire in their own version of the Miami Heat approach. Earlier this year, Wade posted a now infamous tweet that perfectly sums up this new generation’s attitudes.

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Houston, We Have a Problem


I’m going to start this post off with a statement. The worst place to be as a sports team is middle of the pack. The teams that I am specifically looking at are the Bucks, the Rockets, the Suns, and the Sixers. I thought about including the Jazz, but I really like Gordon Hayward and Derrick Favors. I think they have the deepest front court in the NBA, with Millsap, Jefferson, Favors, and Kanter, but that’s a post for another day. The thing that all of these teams have in common is that all of their players are in their respective primes, yet all of these teams are stuck sneaking into the playoffs, or are on the outside just looking in. This is by far the worst possible place to be in, as they are unable to get lottery picks nor are they able to contend for a championship. Because of their position of mediocrity, they generally have established players at all positions and cannot lure free agent positions. In fact, most of these teams I have just described are in small market towns and would not lure potential big name free agents anyways. I understand that the GM’s need to tend to the financial part of their franchises, as the NBA is ultimately a for profit institution, especially for the owners. However, they need to understand that the ultimate goal is to win a championship: teams should either be in contention (4 seed or above) or in a rebuilding process in order to go anywhere in this league.

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