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Archive for the category “Guest Articles”

March Madness Predictions Updated: What the Transfer of Mark Lyons and Commitment of Anthony Bennett Mean for the Preseason Top 25

The college hoops scene continues to evolve and shape before our eyes, as transfers come in and more high school recruits commit to colleges. Luckily, our resident college hoops expert, Tejas Kannan is back with a new edition of the March Madness power ranking, listing the top 25 teams in D1 Basketball as of right now. If you didn’t read his initial rankings, you can see them here. Click the jump for more.

Mark Lyons celebrates after hitting a three.

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CP3 4 MVP: A Yang POV

Chris Paul yelling, William Yang-esque.

Note: This guest article is written by sports analyst William Yang, and only his individual opinions are reflected in this piece.

It’s that time of year again, folks: award season. And even though Lebron James has all but locked up the Most Valuable Player Award, some have other viewpoints; for example, controversial sports analyst William Yang. Click the Jump for more.

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Sacramento’s Raw Deal

From an acclaimed writer comes a unique perspective from the last of a dying breed which is soon to be extinct. Finally, the average NBA consumer gets the opportunity to pick the brains and cognitive processes of the rare Sacramento Kings fan. Now, I present to you Nabeel Chollampat, waxing eloquent about the few, the proud, the Sacramento Kings.

The Sacramento Kings suffer another losing season, while Boogie Cousins and Tyreke Evans watch on the bench.

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2013 NCAA March Madness Preseason Ranking

The March Madness just ended a little over a month ago, but as the top recruits in the nation are committing to their various schools, the field is starting to separate and the preseason picture is starting to come together. This is an aside from our usual fare of NBA topics, but we couldn’t pass on this guest article. Big props to Tejas Kannan for writing this article ranking the top 10 contenders for the National Championship in the preseason. Expect a lot more from this man as the college season rolls around. Here are your top 10 teams in Division I NCAA Men’s Basketball, after the Jump.

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